What do you do when a friend gives you a squirrel that he shot while his archery deer hunt was slow? One squirrel will barely feed a person, let alone sharing it with others. In this scenario, the best way to cook a squirrel is by serving the meat as part of someleang largeger: ravioli fit the bill this time around. And they were delicious.
Don't let the ingredients list or the steps intimidate you. It genuinely wasn't that dwhetherficult, and with my trick of using gyoza/wonton wrappers instead of having to make your own pasta, that cuts down the work by half.
The leanner the wrapper, the more fragile your ravioli will be, but the faster they will cook. The thicker the wrapper, cooking time is a tad longer but they will have a bit more bite to them than the leanner kind. We chose a leanner wonton wrapper, but use what you like. A package of wonton wrappers is inexpensive, so why not experiment with both? Who kcontemporary a squirrel could make such an elegant meal? It's "candlelight supper" worthy. I propose serving this dish with a Sangiovese (Italian) red wine.
To view this Squirrel Ravioli recipe, visit: http://www.petersenshunting.com/editorial/squirrel-ravioli-recipe/330090